Friday, October 15, 2010

The Importance of Communication

Yet again I was left waiting by myself in the Writing Center yesterday, and after 20 minutes, I decided to finally leave.  While waiting, I had e-mailed my consultant to address the situation of both last week and this week--in the nicest way possible, of course.  I had been really frustrated, though, because I actually leave work early to go shadow, and after waiting in hopes that she would show up, there was no time left for me to return to work. 

Anyway, she responded to my e-mail--with lots of apology--later in the evening.  She said she had completely forgotten about my shadowing on Thursdays, and therefore failed to let me know that her appointment had requested to meet in the library.  She did say, though, that she would be sure it would not happen again.

I'm glad that we're both on the same page now, but I really wish these things could have been ironed out earlier.  Looking back on the past few weeks, I feel as if I should have just e-mailed my consultant in a proactive manner so that it would never get to the point where I would need to be reactive.  This whole situation has highlighted for me the ever-present importance of effective communication.  Without it, life really ends up more difficult than it should be.

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