Thursday, September 30, 2010

First real consultant shadowing...or not

So today the writing consultant that I was to shadow was there, which didn't happen last week because of scheduling conflicts.  She was a very pleasant and animated person, and we immediately engaged in conversation as we sat and waited for her four o'clock appointment to show up.  At first she thought that I was there for the appointment, but then understood that I was simply shadowing her.  We talked about Eng 383, her experiences and mine.  We talked about majors and study abroad.  We waited and waited and nobody ever showed up.  She told me she had been having a lot of no-shows lately, although she was booked through the next two months or so.  I did look around the center a little to acquaint myself with some things, but I was ultimately disappointed that I couldn't witness a writing consultation today.  The consultant suggested that I shadow her on one of the appointments she had outside of her office hours, because those people are more likely to show up as their situations are more urgent.  However, I'm not certain if I'm able to do this because of the restrictive nature of our shadowing process--in that we must go every week at the same time with the same consultant (which I personally think is a bit much).  If I can shadow some weeks with her on off-times and actually witness a consultation, I'd much rather do that than waste time hoping whoever booked the time slot shows up.  That's if I'm allowed.  If not, that's ok too I suppose.  It's not my system.

1 comment:

  1. Amani--
    I would be fine with you shadowing her whenever works best for you both The idea is for you to get to witness the real world of writing consultation, and to learn from your observations. I am really more keen on you writing good observations of consultations within 24 hours of shadowing. It's about the learning...
